
This word Jealousy is no more new to anyone now. Why people are jealous? What is the purpose of being jealous ? Why one can't stay happy seeing other person's uprising? Why do you hate someone if he/she is getting promoted, getting married, being in love, becoming rich or having lots of people around them (friends, supporter or so..), getting appreciation? These questions have been going round & round within me since I was a child. But after so many years after getting the experience of life because of being in a surrounding where different people with different mindsets are there I found that people aren't exactly jealous but they are insecure ! And if something like jealousy is there then it must be just because of one reason that one feels that other people are having much more things in their life than the one who feels of having less comparatively to others. Yes, the very moment you start feeling that you have much for yourself to stay & sustain life happily & you need not feel lower than anyone, that very moment this insecurity, jealousy, anger of being a failure or good for nothing will vanish within a blink of your eye. Being self confident is a must as well. You should know about one thing clearly that no one knows you better than you yourself. It will be better if we focus on self rather than others, work on self instead of pointing out other people for being a reason of your temper or insecurity. Why to get inside things like rumouring or back bitching about the people who actually aren't wrong or bad to you but just because you feel danger from them as your place your reputation your post will go along with any other person who you think is better than you. Also we always feel jealous from people who actually have more knowledge & experience than you; by this we start demoralizing self more & more where the self downfall begins. I have this philosophy of life as I have never experienced Jealousy honestly because I know about myself very well & I know this thing very well that I have enough for me to stay happy in life & Don't feel insecured by anyone. Yes being a girl I don't feel jealous because I don't have the habit of comparing self with others, I know about my people & resources that I have which are more than enough for me to not feel insecured about anything. Its very simple, the more you are confident the less you will have doubts on self & once you aren't doubtful then you know about your requirements & you need not need anything ahead rather than the happy peace within you yourself & lowering jealousy levels. Also jealousy leads to stress too. Avoiding it is the last solution & fighting & turning out to be a right person with correct attitude & mind intelligence will keep you away from these feelings.


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