Untold yet Known Answers #Part - 4

Well! These 2 pictures are different although as one talks about religion v/s humanity & the other one talks about poverty v/s rich people! Two different things but yet the logic behind is same : Why is this still happening around ?!

People are more bothered for your religion but no one is bothered for the needs of a person. A person who isn't actually acceptable in society the way should be is appreciated by others in different mannerism. The first picture talks about religion where you can let a person get food if hungry only if they are from your community else they will be discriminated for not being a part of you. Where does the humanity goes out at that time? All the religion followers & preachers talk about humanity but they forget that providing someone with food & water is the biggest sign of humanity! The hungry children who are surviving below poverty aren't given food but when some such pictures of true reality is framed on the walls of exhibitions people want to buy those ugly sad faces for them on such prices that if provided to these people might bring the glow & happiness to their life, light their home & brighten their future. But no one cares. And then we come up to people asking Why is this happening? When you yourself don't wanna help out anyone, don't want to respect people & work only according your group & their group by bringing up the divide & rule policy then I am sorry to say this that Nothing will change. No rules & laws can create any difference to any human being until & unless you yourself aren't willing enough to work on for the improvement of your own people, your own nation! 

Humanity can't be followed by saying wise words & making promises that we will do something for the betterment, it's a thing that you need to believe in & follow it by making it happen by doing something for the welfare of people & country. That is what is real empowerment!


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