A few things that you must remember

To the people who judge a girl over their dressing sense are the ones who should question themselves before commenting about any other person. Everyone has their style of living & their world is too different from other people. So how would it matter anyhow to you ? The judgements made on someone's character through dressing sense or making fun of anyone who has a different style statement isn't really a great thing that people think. By doing such things you yourself show how low standards do you have inherited inside you...

Okay now virginity of a girl becomes a big time question for many or shall say for almost all. So do you have asked your son or husband or would - be - spouse about the same thing? If the answer is no or if you yourself aren't a virgin then how you ask about a girl's morality? Why you want to know about her personal life when you yourself aren't suitable enough? Sad for the rape victims because their life somehow collapses because of such low grade thinking that people still keep in mind but they forget that they themselves have a wife, sister & daughter who might go through the same someday because what you do to others will get back to you that too in this life itself! You should better ask your husband, father son or brother to respect women first rather than being animals who are hungry for flesh! 

 The men who call themselves to be a man forget the fact that the one who safeguards a girl's respect, take care for her as a responsibility rather than an opportunity are real men. And the one's who don't I guess I shall not say anything more to such people. You shall better think once that if you have a daughter or a sister & a guy like was supposed to marry her then would you allow that? If yes then its fine but if no then you know better about yourself where you stand.

The courage of following your instinct rather than following people is something that many lack. All want to follow people rather than being the one who will be the trend setter, the change, the new you & all you! When we grow up we better know about what all are our plans for future, our goals & our way of living, so if we follow what our heart says isn't wrong as it takes a lot to follow your heart, leave a few things behind just to achieve your goals. It is not being a rebel, its just the change you want to bring in your life for staying just the way you wished to. Everyone has the right of living life according to self as by this only you are more able to learn things yourself, explore more & understand life & people around. The trick of sustaining life isn't that easy to crack unless you do it all by yourself. When you commit a few mistakes your take lessons & learn that next time in such a situation what should be done.


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