Untold yet Known Answers #Part - 7

Actually I have always been worried for one major issue in life when I find anyone saying that they dislike rain where my reaction to those people are how could you? But today when I have the answer for this issue I understood that yes the rich people have more tensions & worries because of rain that will harm them or their earned money in any manner whereas people from middle class or lower class society will not be worried much from rain. Now before anyone takes it in a wrong mannerism let me clear it out that here status isn't being pointed out in any manner. My point here is people mostly forget that life is to be enjoyed & not to stay at shelters away from natural environment. We all know that when it rains people are afraid that they will get wet, their money & other stuff that they are carrying along will get wet or ruined in any regard, health issues & so on but then Dude you have to learn how to enjoy life, getting wet in rain won't harm you so much that you start getting worried about rains. Take it like nature is taking a bath as we all do. Getting wet in rain is the best part of life here you can enjoy life in a natural way, it washes away all the dirt & dust from the trees & other objects making it clean & clear, you get to see rainbows too after this natural shower. I have seen small kids making small paper boats & playing in rainy seasons, dancing in rain happily, some singing songs as well. I still remember two of my friends always being worried about rains that yaar ... my hair will get damaged in rain & cribbing-n-cursing rain. But again I see some of my other friends dancing in the middle of road in rain, falling down, skating in the rain showers, completely wet from head to toe still happily enjoying it with the gang without even being bothered about any other things. Sometimes you need to be chilled relaxed excited along with the nature to stay happy, forgetting all the other worries of life. It never rains all the day or all the week, month or year. People pray for monsoons to come soon to get relief at times. When it rains, take it as a good sign of distressing yourself by enjoying with the nature in its flow. That's how you will like things around. Rains aren't bad, trust me! You feel excellent & lively after you get wet in rains. Let all the things go to hell for a few minutes while its raining & lets fall for the weather that is never gonna stay for so long time. At times nature is happy enough to shower the pleasant shower to us, lets really not miss it for issues that can be overlooked. Stop taking shelters in rainy season & go crazy in monsoon is what all we need to do. You don't get happy days everyday! Enjoying it is the best thing we can do for self.


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