Depression : An Internal Suffering

Depression, a word known to many yet majority suffers with this !

Depression isn't something new to us but what is alarming for the while is the increase in rate of people suffering from depression.

Students face depression for reasons like low grades, lack of interest in particular streams that their family people are involved in, facing difficulty in understanding any particular subject, not being a part of any co-curricular activities, facing racism among friends/ teachers, bullying, broken relationships with close/best friends, any sort of mis-happening or misbehaviour by teacher/staff or by any relative, failures, wrong career option, peer pressure, competition and many other reasons.

If I talk about adults, diseases, family matters, broken relationships or marriages, victims of crimes like rape or acid attacks, misbehaviour by colleagues at office, professional life failure, business or property loss, someones' death who was close, social life discrimination, infertility, any physical disability and so on with the never ending list of reasons.

People from almost all age group are having some or some issues in their life that is leading them towards the big ocean of depression.

What makes it more dangerous is the negativity depression brings along with it. And not only negativity... the people who were physically, mentally and emotionally well also face many diseases that would have never entered inside them.

The inability of being loud and open enough to speak what one wants or desires from life, basically from his/her family, spouse and most importantly from self is actually the root cause of depression. Until and unless you don't know yourself, what you are worth for, nobody can help you in such a case. Only one inability to be yourself counts this much big price of depression that remains for long, sadly for some it lasts till they last. Taking up a stand, being courageous enough to live life on your own terms so as nobody can suppress you or treats you less than what you deserve is what one needs to do.

Sensitive issues like the people who belong to the LGBT group (lesbians, gays, bisexuals & transgenders), rape and acid attack victims and stammers and others also face depression because the society might not accept you for who you are now. This is again a sad part because we all have to sustain life in the same environment where society exists and the nonacceptance of one's originality makes one fall for a prey to depression.

Overthinking too is what takes you to depression. Thinking or being worried for a few issues is alright. Being in stress or tension sometimes is okay but excess to anything is a harm! Overthinking helps in playing the major role in trust issues that leads to broken relations and loneliness.

Loneliness also counts up for the same category. Depression makes you feel unwanted many times. This takes you away from people, your friends, family and close ones are the very first people whom you start avoiding.

Many times we are also unaware that we are into depression as our constant mood swings, lack of interest in anything, inactive behaviour, more of sleep and no talk, etc are a part of depression.

More we make our life complex more things strangle, the more you keep it simple it remains clear and easy. Talk Talk Talk! To self, to your diary, pet, friends, family people or any reliable person who is there to support you, motivate you just speak to them. Don't let the negativity hold you tight that you can never escape from the deep ocean of depression. Its' never too late to think and give life a second chance for the better future.

If Its' Dark Today Never Forget Brightness Is Just Waiting Next Door For You, All You Need Is To Open The Door ASAP.

We have a single life and if we can't make it up a worthy one then sustaining isn't a worth.

Don't let Depression kill your soul, Make it your Weapon to Unfold and Revive your Life. 

Depression is for today but not Forever!


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