Because A Mother is a Mother...

Motherhood is understood less by people. Only the ones who know or are into motherhood can actually figure out about this special feeling that one gets to know in life and live in it throughout. If love is true and blind as always heard by many philosophers, then the very first love of one's life is the mother and her child's love.

Mother is the only one in our life with whom we spend most of our time in our childhood until we grow up and get involved in the monotonous busy professional world chores. She is the one with whom we play, grow, annoy her, fight with her, hurt her at times, give her happiness too, make her feel proud, remain around her, search her always when in need or trouble.

A women who takes the pain of giving birth to a new life putting her own life at a risk and gets a new birth of a mother of her child is the one who gets hurt when her child is hurt, she spends sleepless nights when her child is disturbed, sick, is away from her sight, or is in trouble. 

For a Mother, nothing is more important than her child's safety and well being. Watching her child happy she is happy, sad if her children aren't happy. To her, her child's achievement is her achievement, her child's failure is her failure. Yet she is the one who remains around her children as a protective layer throughout all the bad times. 

The motivator at the hard times, the Super Cool Mom when out with her children to make their day the best, the one whose hand cooked food is the heaven of life, the one who scolds when you do a mistake not with the aim of punishing but just to mould her child into a good human.

Yes, She is the lady who actually has her own person at her in-laws place, her child who comes even before her life partner. The one who is the Pillar of Life, the Goddess of Love, Affection & Sacrifice. She is the teacher for all life lessons that no institution can teach anyone. The one who becomes a child herself with her children. 

The one whose presence is the most important and integral part in a child's life. The one who is always around her children no matter whether they are away from her or she is away from them physically but mentally and by heart-n-soul she remains connected to her children. If her child is in trouble she knows it before you tell her, if she is out somewhere all she thinks about is her child and child's basic necessities like food, sleep, health.

She is the one who even after being sick herself will not stop working at home just to make sure that her family doesn't suffers because of her illness. Despite of all these things one thing will never change in life; the love bond of a mother and child. 

The pure love relation that one can ever see, feel and live.

Motherhood is a pleasure & treasure. Respect and Love your mother as she is the one who has decided to bring you to this world, give you the happiness by sacrificing her needs, loved you unconditionally and the one who has always tried to make you the best person possible and still continues to care for you just like when you were a small baby. 

It takes a lot of pain to become a Mother, but to keep the motherhood alive always and be a Mother is hard! 

Mother is the Best Friend, Philosopher & Guide !


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