
Showing posts from 2020

Loving The Unloved

"I LOVE YOU". These 3 words have a very long lasting impact on everyone of us generally. But generally this doesn't happen with most of us in the case of loving the unloved things! A very few of us can love the unloved things, secretly in our minds, in our hearts, in our souls.  Its a bit unfair to love something secretively that you can't show out in the real world but the reality is we are left with not much choices. Everyone has their set of reasons to feel this.  How to love something which is really negative for you? How to love something which has nothing but only dark clouds around it throughout? How to love something that you know will ruin you everyday but still you cant stop & love this unloved thing? When you certainly know that this cant be shown to others but yet you believe to keep it with you always, inside you secretively, how long will you be able to maintain this run of reality? Honestly no one can answer this beca...

Knowning The Known Unknown

In life whenever we meet people, we engage with a few for long term. Family, friends, classmates, colleagues, life partners, acquaintances and so on we meet many people in this lifetime. When we get this feeling of knowing someone well, it gives one ecstatic feeling of being own. To know someone often feels like you have the right over them somehow or they are entitled to you because you know them well. Be it any situation of life where you are hanging on, be it good times or struggling days or maybe the worst of all, if you know someone, you just know what they might be doing or what they might be thinking of about, or maybe what might be their next step in life or their future plans. It does takes a lot of time in actually knowing someone well, to understand them well accordingly the way they are, the way the lead their lives, the way they enjoy things, the way they judge things, the way they criticize things, what makes them happy, what do they love the most, dislike the mos...