Retaliation !

Life makes us go through a numerous situations, certain loss, some gains and rest in contentment. Adjusting and compromising is what we are expected to go ahead with in life. From the day we are born, everything is pre-decided on our behalf by others.

To begin with, they decide that this is what we will be like - Our nature and characteristics will be disciplined, well mannered, ethical, diplomatic, shy, quite, humble, grounded, good habits, groomed, bold, ravishing, fashionista, royal, elegant, classy, loyal, determined, sexy, handsome, geek, intellectual, intelligent, duffer, idiot, cunning, leader, doer, beautiful, ugly and God knows what all in just our arrival to this universe.

Our professions and personal choices too are made in that very moment sometimes by discriminating between the gender and sometimes on the basis of class, caste, financial standards, locality and all other parameters of judging.

When we respect their commands from toddler to youngster and then also if we continue to follow the orders as directed by them to us, we enter into the good books category, which again is created by these fellow gentle persons for their judgement and evaluation purposes.

And trust me, they do enjoy it a lot while they make us follow all these procedures!

So this procedure actually doesn't ends there. We too do the same with the new generations in our way because we never realised when we were supposed to retaliate. And by the time retaliation should have been done to stop this procedure that is being imposed on almost everyone, we realise that we don't have much of time left with us to retaliate. We just mugged up the entire procedure, followed it up like robots and the game was - Your Command is all what I demand!

Being individuals, whenever we tried to retaliate on level one we were stopped. How? We were showed a few examples who tried to go against this procedure of living a life for self and going straight inside the well of failure. We were threat to listen them unless they will break the bond of relationships. They will tell you that in this world, you will be judged if you don't listen to them and just be another version of them and not yourself.

For them, it was like taking out their frustration, demands, desires, dreams that they tried to achieve but couldn't so why not make us like them! The version that either they always wanted to be but couldn't because they themselves went through this or maybe they always dreamt of to be this and couldn't excel so lets try the experiment on us.

Society did changed but only a bit by bit but sadly it has to change more and grow more. Retaliation is what we see everywhere now. Your insult to one turns retaliation of another's insult. You judge them wrong, they retaliate to show their right side.

The judgement of wrong right, discrimination, stereotypes, orthodox paradox, they shades of black white and grey all came in one world and started their own retaliations process just to prove the self worth. Character assassination, judgements on the basis of self ideology rather than a correct perspective, the absense of a privileged Human, humanity, unity, equality, equity and so many things still persists.

If I listen to your each and every instructions, then I am a perfect person, an eligible mannered son/daughter of so and so...If I listen to what the other society believes in blind faith then I turn out to be a respected member of the society to be in and sustain but If I retaliate and Judge these people then I turn out to be an Anti - person, who lacks sense, the one who turns out to be a Culprit for promoting so many things that were not acceptable to many.

But think! What if Retaliation wouldn't have come in power. A burdened life is all what we would have lived blindly as per others demand. Following myths, stereotypical thoughts, unableness to differentiate between orthodox and paradox, not being able to get equal access among all gender, religion, caste and the main vital part among all this is to get a life that we wanted to build on our terms.

Retaliation now has now turned into a rebellious form of not getting lowed up by anyone for any reasons. Though I agree because of retaliation, aggression has taken place at every place that does have negative impacts at various places but without retaliation one can't take a stand for self to be their version of them. It matters to have your take and stand, your decision in your life that is kept untouched by others standards of judgement. Being a better version of self is all we need to have no matter whatever our interests are into.

When you know what is right and wrong for you and your future goals then why let others hamper it unnecessarily by poking their nose in it. Likes and dislikes, follow unfollow is all on us. But if you are being restricted to chase your dreams, then - 

I stand by Retaliation as a must and just for every citizen to get a life that one deserves and expects to have.

I support the Retaliating eyes, that has tears and emotions inside as they were tried to be oppressed by the society.

I support the one who fights for his/ her career goals, interests, likes, choices of lifestyle, life partners, and a personal life with fair decisions only by self and the respective partner and nobody else.

Why to make others suffer and see them turning into retaliates? 
Instead why not let everyone live the way they want to all by their choices. Let them be a better version of them and do the needful that the world requires rather than making categories to judge them unnecessarily.

Stay good for self and let others get their token of goodness themselves!

Else Retaliation has its own set of magic and power to go beyond the levels of imagination and extremes. The sparks might come like a big sea wave and wash away everything if oppressed much.


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