My Power Survives within Me

"I survived because the fire inside me burned brighter than the fire around me." ~ Joshua Graham

They say there is a little honest shy girl present inside every women.

They say that the small girl living inside every women has innocence within her.

They say that this little baby inside her has a heart of a child who remains as a kid around the close ones.

They say this little angel has magic around her.

Its' actually the divine soul that she has within her.

They say that women are a form of Goddess.

The perfect idol of love, unity and sacrifice.

Its all what we have been listening all around but then there's a contrary sight to such views that are spoken but rarely believed in.

They never say that a women has power and dignity to stand on equal or higher positions to her male counterpart.

Never they said that she shouldn't be suffering alone with all the harsh violence and misbehaviours around.

None ever came up saying that being a lady you are allowed to live a life of your choice.

They never told any men to understand how a women sentiments are and how one should behave with her.

Nobody ever came up saying that you can shout, be loud and enjoy the freedom like any man around.

To this now I would like to say:

Whatever was said about a lady and however things have been going around her, there are a few things that we all shall remember to the core of our heart and mind ~

Yes, I am a Women, the Pillar of my family, the idol of love, unity and sacrifice.

I am someone's daughter, next I will be someone's spouse and then a mother. I might be a quite and calm lady as per everyone's expectations. 

I shall remain within a certain boundaries around me that others have created for me. I should be tolerant at many stages of my life...


I am not supposed to let my self respect die.

I can't let my freedom suffer through the pain of chains around, holding it tight as a restriction.

I won't lower my tone if something wrong is happening around.

I will break rules whenever required for the sake of my own individuality.

I won't tolerate disrespect to myself by anyone

Like all have expectations from me, I too have some from myself which I can't just let go.

Before sharing multiple roles in my family life, I have a major role with my life that I can't neglect.

I can't starve the small child inside me who wants to grow more and more everyday within me.

If I am not supposed to let anyone down then the same applies for me too for my myself.

If others question me about my doings then also I am answerable to myself for what am I doing with myself.

Because before being anyone's so and so, I am Mine & Completely Mine!

If I breakdown at certain stages of life then that's not my weakness,

Its' my strength 'cause of which I am still surviving with all the courage and dignity.

Before making others life shine I have to do some magic to my life as well.

Before falling in love, I am supposed to love myself which is not being selfish!

I will do favours to many but can't be unfair with my own true being.

I am an Live Epitome of Morals, Success, Strength, Power, Respect & Love.

Yes, I am a Woman...and My Power Survives within Me!


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