INTIMACY: The Non-Physical Involvement

For how long people have been believing over the fact that INTIMACY is all about touching each other on physical terms?

I guess since the inception of the word maybe! 

If you go with the meanings then sexual intercourse will just be a small partial meaning to INTIMACY and not on a whole. INTIMACY means a close bonding or relationship that only physical involvement alone can't justify. 

And if someone still believes that its all about touching and feeling each other, then yes it is, but its about the soulful touch and feel that matters the most.

INTIMACY isn't about people sleeping along with each other! It's about how have been these people paying attention to each others' needs and desires, how morally and emotionally do they stand for each other acting just like a pillar to support and pillow to comfort when tired. Its about the distraction you face everyday because you care for the person who is all day around you without being physically present. The one who lives within you, inside your mind and heart, the one who is your priority, one who matters to you, for whom you are bothered like mad.

INTIMACY is about how someone captures you and makes your life null without their presence. Yes, its about the one who makes your life called LIFE, the one who comes and doesn't goes easily from your thoughts, the one who never escapes from your dreams no matter if you daydream or dream while sleeping in night! The power of intimacy is all about love, care and affection that people share within themselves.

I don't care how people may react to these thoughts, but a pure heart and soul would surely agree with my thoughts about the word "INTIMACY". A clear and loud thought it is and people shall surely agree to this. We live in a world where opinions are naked now for everything we cross by presently. Why keeping such views about things that some people have created and fellows follow them blindly without witnessing the truth?

No one has the time to take care of you, only the special people will and the reason is that they care, they are always there for you, they attentively listen to what you have to say, how you feel and what all are you going through. The "relaxed atmosphere" is what Intimacy will be providing you.

A heart that knows how others heart is like, how the heartbeats are going on is what you call as INTIMACY. 
A mind that knows how your mind is right now, what all you are thinking over the time, the lips who have the answers to every question you have and can simply solve your issues with the genuine words of truth and honesty is INTIMACY. 
The souls who are solely connected with each other that knows very well every step you will take forward in life, who trust you and knows how well your veins are running the blood in your body, this is what defines the word INTIMACY.

Every word has a depth associated with it. Don't just follow the meanings with which things are linked. There is always a few hidden facts about these little words that changes the entire view of a person to a thing. 

Dirty mind people are surely the ones who would go against these wise thoughts or might disagree with this perspective. But the ones who are in favour are the small mindful crowd with a wide perspective and respectful views that can be considered a spark of optimism or the followers of bitter naked truth of life.

Happy to see that "Word Porn" brought this quote in light and I was able to add a bit more internal links to it via my perspective towards life we live in.


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