Bed - A Room of Memories !

Bed is a place where we believe to fall asleep when we are tired, when we need rest. A place that is used for self everyday & night or whenever we want for whatsoever reasons.

Most of you might think up how come bed is getting into the important aspect of anyone's life...
It is !! It is the most important part of everyone's life. From a baby's cradle to the last stage of life bed has been the biggest shelter to all.

Remember when a new born baby comes into life, most of the day is spent on his/her cradle. The loud cry, sweet giggle, innocent smile, playing with small toys, spoiling the bed cover & peaceful sleep. 

After growing up from an infant to child we sleep on our beds listening to all the stories - fairytales; etc., on a daily basis, the age where you always want to sleep with your parents because you learn about fearing from ghosts and darkness at night.

Coming on to our teenage the sleepless nights of studying, cuddling with friends & pets, sleeping next to your teddy or pillow holding them tightly, pillow fights with parents, siblings, friends, chatting late nights with friends & beloved, cribbing & crying over the bad state of life you are going through or jumping like an idiot on your bed when happily excited.

Next phase of life when twenties, thirties come our stress & worries for family & profession, exploring your love life with your life partner, the happiness of inviting a new family member, sleepless nights for the little one & for your future life.

Getting old on remaining on bed for long hours, being bed ridden, helpless & counting the final days of life. 

Bed has stayed with us for almost every single day of our happiness & sorrows, pleasure & pain, the laughs & cries.

Everyday it handles our pressure over it, goes through the wrinkles on its cover, absorbs all your tears & pains, accepts you open heartedly & lets you see your dreams everyday but yet it never complains.

Though we have the ability of hugging & making physical contact but bed though being not be able hug us or so but yet makes the physical contact with us every moment so as to help us heal our pains.

It accepts our shit, puck, blood & sweat but still it always stays there for us to give us a peaceful sleep till the end of our life & never utters a word but favours the comfort !

Only a few people are able enough to understand life & the worthy stuffs. Never treat your bed as a non-living object because non-living objects are the ones who will always stay next to you at all the paths of life though senseless but yes emotionally they do have senses of healing & supporting us throughout the life be it in any situation.


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